{Day in the life} …random act of kindness and senseless acts of beauty …

My love for living things and nature extends beyond beautiful flowers!  Such an interesting chain of events (see if you can follow this) –As my husband was renting a van for his work I found a dollar bill on the floor of the agency.  The employee teased that I could keep it,but I didn’t feel that it was really mine.

Where could this dollar be put to best use?  It didn’t seem like quite enough to end the worlds woes,but maybe it could bring a smile somewhere.  While shopping for cruelty free pet food at a local store I saw the box for donations to one of the local organizations that helps animals,and knew that was where the dollar belonged.

My husband and I agreed to add a few more dollars (perhaps it multiplied in my purse?),and we were smiling as I placed our little contribution in the box.  We were joined in our smile by the kind and thoughtful woman at the check-out stand as I explained about the dollar “looking for the right home.”  I hope it will help a precious creature find her or his way to the right home.  All of these smiles made my day!  I highly recommend acts of loving kindness as a way to brighten your day too!!!

With Love,

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